First week back to school and it was awful. I've been working really hard to try and get caught up with one of my tech classes because I am really far behind in terms of the semester project being due on the 26th. Then for a couple days I was convinced my really expensive glasses were stolen, until they were on my teacher's desk all along. Not to mention today I actually lost my favorite pair of sunglasses at a restaurant. I lost this rough draft to a super important project in my other tech class, so now I'll have to blindly redo it during the weekend. Then I had such a bad anxiety attack during math I had to literally hide out in the bathroom for a couple minutes to calm down from it. The only easy day I've had was Tuesday (I had Monday off). Oh yeah, and my tablet charging port is broken.
So yeah, pretty much when I get home any will to do something is completely shot. So I haven't even worked on enough music to show any WIP's. Mostly just messing around with intros and stuff. I did go through my preset library and found some more cool stuff to use, and I did make a synth/kinda bass instrument in Massive. That's really about it. I'm in the process of scouting 2 people, I've spent a lot of time going through the unscouted portal and reporting stolen stuff to the AP cleanup thread, and I've gone up another stat rank. So I do have that going on for me.
Dinosuars should be out soon. One kinda major glitch, though. i swear something always happens when I work on a project too long. People want me to up the volume of the drums. Well, the sound at 0:55 apparently went horribly glitched and it doesn't sound like it does in the preview at all when I went back to the project file. So, I had to extract that part from the MP3 file. So, now the drums are in that spliced section (I do not have the software to extract drums from a sample, nor the knowledge). I guess what I could do is just layer the drums to make them louder as well as up the volume on the existing drums not in the sample.
I guess so this news post has meaning to it, I am releasing an unfinished track tomorrow. It was made 2 months ago and the project kept crashing for me to finish it. I stopped working on it around the time I started working on .:This is the End:. It really doesn't sound good, so I'm not expecting feedback or reviews.
Well, hope you all had a better week than I (especially those who had to go back to school, I feel you).
2017 is SO a great start
Eh, it's also the beginning. The beginning of 2016 sucked and I later liked it.