Some dubstephile who tries his hand at making his own. I also help out reporting stolen stuff to the Audio Portal Cleanup thread. Hablo español. Pero, no soy perfecto.

Age 22, Male

Washington, USA

Joined on 12/27/15

Exp Points:
625 / 710
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> 100,000
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5.03 votes
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You literally don't want to know how long it took me to get to this page. Every time I tried opening up a page on the internet my connection just shut down. God I hate my internet.

Or maybe it's this laptop that I've had for like 6 years, who knows...

Oh, sorry, I'm afraid I've already gone off-topic. It's me again, Alpha as I like to call myself. If it isn't obvious, I've been pretty dead say... the last 3-4 months? Wow, it's been a while. 

Well, I'd like to blame all my issues on school, but I really can't because I have a lot more free time than I make it out to be. The real reason I've been absent from this site is quite simple: I've stopped making music.

At least once a week for the past year I've constantly made news posts saying "hey, here's a track I'll never get done" "god i suck at music why do I bother trying" "you know I just need some practice I've only been doing music for like 2 years now". And I've finally given up. I'm tired of attempting a talent I'm good at. If you think about it, I've been doing this crap blind. I have no idea how tf song composition works, I've never studied sound design or music theory, quite frankly I'm too lazy to learn this stuff. I honestly believe some people are born with talents, and music or the math associated with it is not a skill I possess. A skill I do feel I possess is writing.

Starting around July of this year and even today, I've gotten back into writing. Writing is something I've done for pretty much my whole life. I remember writing stupid little stories when I was really young, in 3rd grade I wrote a ton of short stories because my teacher always had prompts, but then I kinda diverted away from it. Now I'm back in the business of fiction. And, honestly, if I thought this place was a writing community I would post a lot more. And, technically, it is because Newgrounds is "everything, by everyone" but I just don't feel like writing is something that's popular on here. There's not a portal for it, just a forum. And the forum is so dead I feel like I'd just be wasting my time posting stuff there, and I'd really prefer not to start posting stories on these news posts. 

Really though, I haven't been dead. I've moved to a different social media, and for certain reasons I'm not going to broadcast where I'm residing. I would like to apologize though for being inactive. I know there's other stuff I could be doing here like listening to music or being active in the AP Cleanup forum again but I just haven't felt the need. I promise I'll try being back on here daily.

TL;DR: I suck at music. I have no clue where to post my writing on here. I'll try to be active again.



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