Well, yesterday I screwed around with making a drop. I tried two drops and they didn't work. This is my third drop. I'd appreciate feedback, since this is my first attempt at a complex drop. If I get too much critique saying it's not good, I'll just revise it. I kinda like the drop, and I promise I'll try to not make it repetitive. It will be a long drop, because the pre-drop is 48 bars. Also, I know the build-up isn't as powerful as the drop. I'm working on it. It takes a while to find bass that won't mess up your mixing beyond repair. Sorry about the volume, again. I just realized the volume in FL Studio isn't the same as my browser, I may need to fix that...
Anyways, I hope you like it. If enough people like it and I don't have to start over, I may be able to get this out before the end of the year. I'm probably not going to have time for a Christmas song. If I do it will probably be a very short loop.
I'm on phone so i can't listen to the drop right now.
48 bars? That's
Too long build up i think.
16 bars intro + 16 bars pre-drop + 16 bars build-up = Not that long when it's 180 BPM