Please don't stop making dubstep. I love your songs so much and especially this one.
Please don't stop making dubstep. I love your songs so much and especially this one.
This song is very nostalgic. It gives me vibes of Garfield, Super Mario Galaxy, and Frosty the Snowman. I have no idea why, it just does lol. Half a star off because that part at 0:38 was heavily annoying.
The melody at 1:23 was only used once? C'mon...
I didn't like the beginning and wasn't a big fan of the rock part. *shrugs*
Exactly, what is this a remix of?
It's remix of a remix created by Laziest Men On Mars. The remix is from poorly translated game called Zero Wing. All your base is a legendary meme. Here, check out the original:
It was great, just a little too repetitive.
Seriously, this is the best melody you have ever put together. It just progressively gets more epic as it goes along. My favorite part is 2:55-3:23, it just makes it so epic. Honestly, I don't know what more I can say, this is just amazing!
It's pretty great for a short song, especially dubstep. When was this made however? It feels like it was made in 2005 or something. I wish you would come back and make more music, it's been over a year since we could "expect your NG audio page to be more active".
It sounds like Evolution of Music and Beginning of Time thrown into a blender. Both songs are good separate, but I just don't like this song. And I wish I knew why, it kinda bothers me tbh :/
This was very good! Some parts were annoying however like at 1:00 and 2:20. It just bothered me for some reason. Overall this is very upbeat and makes for great EDM.
I swear you have your own realm of dubstep and this is one of the songs that bring it out the most. The beginning is very unique, I haven't heard anything like it. The drops also are pretty great, very energetic. When I listen to this I feel like I'm in this whole world I don't want to leave...
Well, it IS called paracosm. :P
Some dubstephile who tries his hand at making his own. I also help out reporting stolen stuff to the Audio Portal Cleanup thread. Hablo espaƱol. Pero, no soy perfecto.
Age 23, Male
Washington, USA
Joined on 12/27/15