Hey guys Alpha here and I've been working on a new track. Been confident about this one. Currently I have no idea what this genre specifies as. It's 133 BPM, so it's close to techno maybe but it doesn't have much of a techno feel. Perhaps I'll just label this as experimental. I MIGHT use this for the NGUAC if I think it's better than any of my other tracks I've made, which I hope this is.
This is just the lead. Not even the "drop" or the "transition". I actually had a good idea for the transition but it makes the audio really glitchy and slows down the tempo for some odd reason so now I'm back to the drawing board.
Currently I have some unnecessary automation. Such as I have 2 pitch envelopes when apparently you can't edit the pitch on a .wav file (the .wav files are Serum presets since I'm limited to the demo as said) and the X/Y modulation envelopes don't change the sound that much. At least the volume modulation does something.
I'm happy to release this track soon as I can. I decided to try making the full track THEN work around the rough edges. After this track I have the inspired track I want to finish and MAYBE do something for the AIM contest. I lack a lot of motivation so I would either not get it done fast enough, cancel the idea, or finish it but fail to reach the 3 minute minimum without making it extremely repetitive.
In the meantime I encourage you to look at some of my stuff and leave reviews.